Sunday, July 29, 2012

num nums: making homemade baby food

There are a few reasons I decided to make Delanie's food homemade. Have you ever looked at the back of what's in Gerber's baby food? All kinds of random acids, and even tuna oil in the organic food? Sorry but that doesn't sound to appealing to me. This way I know exactly what is going into her belly. It is healthier and it is much cheaper! Also, when Delanie was 3 months I stopped nursing her. Formula was just working better for her, but then it's almost like I got a little bit sad that we stopped. This is my way of feeling like I am giving her the best thing, like I did with breast milk. So far her favorites are sweet potatoes, peas, squash, and pears. She hates green beans. Absolutely hates them. Legitimately SPITS them back at me. Making your own baby food is SO simple. I found no reason to buy the fancy baby bullet or things like that. I simply use the Cuisinart food processor I already had and I went out to buy a steamer because of things I heard about steaming things in the microwave (I'm sure it's fine I am just a little psycho) I simply steam or bake her fruits and veggies, throw them in the food processor with a little of her formula (or breast milk if that is what you use) or even water. Then spoon the food into containers (1 oz or 2 oz) that I purchased at Babies R Us and freeze. I always take a whole days food out of the freezer the night before and let it thaw in the fridge.

Here is an picture-example of a step by step process of how I make Delanie's pears:

See, it's simple! Then to make more room in your freezer, I pop out each food (once frozen) and place them into Ziploc bags and label. This makes storage much is an example of Delanie's squash in a Ziploc.

Keep in mind my little love is only 5 months old so I am still doing simple foods. Once she is older I have been told I can give her almost anything that I eat, just put it through the food processor. I will check with my pediatrician of course :)

Healthier & Cheaper, you can't beat that!

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